Saturday, 14 June 2014

The Empty Hearse, BBC Sherlock 3/1

Last night i was seeing the 1st episode for the first time when it had its German telly premiere and i was writing down my thoughts quickly, in the heat of the moment. i was really excited to see it, finally. After really waiting for the German premiere, after avoiding all spoilers as best as i could, after accidentally stumbling over the Sherlolly kiss just a few days ago .. i really had my delayed gratification today and was it worth it?
Not since Twin Peaks have i ever been so much looking forward to a bloody TV show. Mind you, Twin Peaks premiered on German TV in 1991!!! Which means, never since the frigging last century have i ever been so excited to watch the sequel of a tv series. ;)

Was it worth it? First .. new opening credits which clearly show we are in for a new Sherlock. The writers have pointed out that it would be utterly stupid if a character like Sherlock would not evolve. Which i completely subscribe to even though it is a walk on eggshells to actually try and make their character evolve in a way which is basically alien to him. In the days of the world-wide web we have forums, personal blogs and the like and even though i don't really have indulged into it, i did read here and there. In this day and age people just take a movie character or even a plot and just do with it what they want. They project on that character, they drool over it, they fantasize over .. in short, they take the plot, the characters and make it their own. I have seen a blog about Sherlock coming across as having Asperger's Syndrome and he became a canvas for people who actually really suffer from it and they feel understood or somehow represented (nothing wrong with that but was it really the writers' intention? .. just saying). Mr Cumberbatch himself said that he was approached by people (or maybe just one person, doesn't matter) who thanked him for what he was doing in that role for the asexuals amongst us. (nothing wrong with that either .. again, don't get me any wrong here!) . There are people out there writing fan fictions and they basically ship ALL kinda possible constellations. The most obvious ones are of course JohnLock and Sherlolly but i am sure there might also  be .. what would we call it? ... Sheriarty? Sherstrade? Sherirene? .. i am sure, all these options are out there :P